
Aromatherapy is is the study of the use of essential oils to promote health and wellbeing and to help patients heal. Aromatherapists hold consultations, develop treatment plans and use their essential oil knowledge to promote their patients' health and well-being.

An aromatherapist is a health care specialist who treats patients using essential oils and hydrosols to produce specific reactions, such as relaxing their muscles or improving their breathing. Many aromatherapists work with patients who want to treat particular medical conditions like viral infections.
A Professional and Clinical Aromatherapist Program:
More than 400 hours, plus case studies, learning more than 50 essential oil chemistry and therapeutic properties.
Anatomy & Physiology: Identification of bones, muscles and body systems. Basic biochemical and physiological terminology.
Systems: Olfactory, Muscular, Immune, Nervous, Digestive, Respiratory, Integumentary, Urinary, Skeletal, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Endocrine, Reproductive, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Terrain (maintaining homeostasis).
Pathologies and essential oil safety guidelines.
Chemistry: Basic organic chemistry and main constituents



The first visit includes a medical intake form. It is important to complete a medical intake form. There are certain essential oils which should not be used under certain conditions. Allergies are also a major consideration-as well as personal aroma preferences. The patient will need to provide a list of their current medications, vitamins and supplements.

TREATMENT PLAN : the aromatherapist will decide with the client on what type of treatment to pursue. It might include a custom essential oil blend (or one that is already available if it meets the requirements), a topical application blend/massage oil blend, spray, inhaler, ointment, etc.
The method of application will be determined by individual needs. Frequency of use will also be discussed, as well as other instructions.
Most customized aromatherapy products can be created and given to the client at the end of the consultation.

AROMATHERAPY CONSULTATION: general prices in Canada
The average fee in Canada for the first visit, 60 minute session is $ 75-125 + hst.
Quick Consult - 30 minutes : $ 40-50 + hst
15 minute follow up visit: $ 30 + hst


A Clinical Herbalist Program:
More than 800 hour. Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine - Herbal First-aid - Phytochemistry and Herb-Drug Interactions - Knowledge of
150 herbs - Creating formula - Side effects and Safety - Food and Nutrition - Herbal support for immune system - Respiratory health - Endocrine system - Reproductive health - Blood, lymph, and mucous membranes - Digestive System - Musculoskeletal System - Nervous system, Cardiovascular System, Liver , Urinary System - Healthy aging - Common Childhood discomfort.
Herbal preparations and body care products for daily care and common ailments.
PROGRAM: actions, pharmacology, and energetics of about 150 herbs.

Herbalists have dedicated all of their education to specifically studying plant medicine and how to match herbs to people. This is most definitely an art and a science, and can make a big difference if a herbal formula works for you or not. 
Herbalists have a deep understanding of the following: 

  • How herbs interact with the body

  • What organ systems herbs act on and support

  • How to best match herbs to an individual’s specific health picture and constitution type 

  • What conditions, diseases or health imbalances each herb can help correct

  • Specific dosages to maximize each herbs efficacy

  • Ideal herbal extract to get the best results (eg: tea, tincture, cream etc)

  • Contra-indications and safety considerations (when it isn’t safe to take a herb)

  • Herb-drug interactions (how pharmaceuticals and herbs either hinder or compliment each other’s actions)



You'd like customized herbal formulas that are specifically tailored to your body and health needs.

Herbal medicine and using natural herbs is something you resonate with or would really like to try .

You've tried everything the conventional medical system has to offer and feel like your health is still suffering