“How far is the height?” ” just keep climbing, don’t think about it” (F. Nietsche)
Dr. Diego Fusaro (Turin, 1983) teaches History of Philosophy at IASSP in Milan (Institute for Superior Strategical and Political Studies), of which he is also a member of the scientific steering committee.
Graduated in Turin in History of Philosophy, he gained a PhD in Philosophy of History at the San Raffaele University of Milan in 2011 with a thesis on Reinhart Koselleck.
He has been doing research at the University of Bielefeld in Germany.
In 2017 he obtained the national academic teaching qualification as associate professor in History of Philosophy.
In July 2013, the daily paper “La Repubblica” has qualified him as one of the three most promising young European philosophers.
He combines criticism of the capitalist system with elements drawn from the communitarian and souverainism currents.
Diego Fusaro views himself an independent pupil of Hegel and Marx and maintains that Gramsci and Gentile are the two greatest Italian philosophers of the twentieth century. In the modern era, he favors Spinoza and Fichte alongside Hegel and Marx. Beyond the modern philosophers, and before them, however, stands the knowledge of classical Greek thought from which, he argues, one must start.
"The essential is to remain faithful to your purpose" (Hegel)
Stefania interviews Diego Fusaro
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