Certified Organic & Produced in Italy

HOME DIFUSER: Apply 6-10 drops to water in a difuser .
HOUSE CLEANING: For deep household cleaning, add few drops to warm water or to your favorite cleaner.  Add few drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle and use as a cleanser to purify surfaces in the home and workplace. You can also add a drop or two to the laundry.

BATH: add 8 – 10 drops to a full bath then agitate the water to disperse. It's better to mix them first with salts or an emulsifier such as milk or a carrier oil.
SHOWER: add 3 -4 drops to a face cloth or sponge.While showering, place the washcloth on your chest and allow the heat of the shower to release the vapors of the essential oil.
INHALATION: put 1-2 drops on a tissue, inhale and enjoy.

SAFETY: Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. For external use only. Not for ingestion. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant consult your doctor.

HOME DIFUSER: All essential oils

5 ml - $ 18

5 ml - $ 18

Bergamotto (Calabria)

5 ml - $ 18

5 ml - $ 18

LAVENDER - Lavanda (Tuscany,
 Piedmont or Trentino)

5 ml - $ 18

5 ml - $ 18

Ginepro (Trentino)

2 ml $ 18

2 ml $ 18

From Piemonte

HOUSE CLEANING: All essential oils

5 ml - $ 12

Arancia rossa (Sicily)

5 ml - $ 16

5 ml - $ 16

Mandarino (Sicily)

5 ml $ 18

5 ml $ 18

Eucalipto (Sardinia)

5 ml $ 22

5 ml $ 22

Mirto (Sardegna)

BATH: all the essential oils listed except Thyme and Peppermint

5 ml - $ 18

 Dwarf Pine (Trentino Alto Adige)

5 ml - $ 18

5 ml - $ 18

Italian Regional Oil Blend

5 ml $ 16

5 ml $ 16

Rosmarino (Sicily)

5 ml - $ 20

5 ml - $ 20

Cipresso ( Veneto or Tuscany)

SHOWER: all essential oils listed except Thyme

5 ml - $ 18

5 ml - $ 18

Swiss Stone Pine (Alto Adige)

5 ml - $ 12

5 ml - $ 12

Lemon (Sicily or Sorrento)

5 ml $ 15

5 ml $ 15

Menta (Piemonte)

5 ml $ 18

5 ml $ 18

Abete bianco ( Trentino)

BERGAMOT: Aroma: Bright, sweet, refreshing, and balanced blend of citrus and green aromas with a light floral, bitter undertone.

BLOOD ORANGE: revives and refreshes the spirit. Traditionally is used to soothe inflammation, fight depression and uplift mood. Helps to relax and unwind.

CHAMOMILE (Roman): calming, wound healing, relieves cramps and spasms.

LEMON (Sicily- Campania)): inhibits viral and bacterial growth, uplifting, revitalizing and uplifting lymph decongestant.

EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS (Sardinia) : Powerful anti-microbial, and anti-infectious.Useful in the treatment of respiratory problems, wounds, muscle pain, dental care.

ESSENZA BALSAMICA: Balsamic and  protective oil blend. A unique formula with balsamic and herbaceous scents from the Italian Alps and Mediterranean region. Especially indicated for the winter season . It contains 1005 pure essential oil of : Pinus Mugo, Abies alba, Picea abies leaf oil, Larix laricina oil, Juniperus Communis Fruit Oil, Citrus Medica Limonum, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus, Thymus vulgaris leaf oil.

JUNIPER (Trentino-Alto Adige) is known and appreciated for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects, for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. It's also anti-bacterial and anti-infectious.

MANDARIN (Sicily): Calming, anti depressant, anti anxiety.

PEPPERMINT: commonly used in the treatment of pain relief and to improve concentration. It stimulates the circulatory system and helps relieve headaches due to sinus congestion

PINO MUGO: Aroma: Soft, pleasant, woody, green, sweet, resinous-coniferous bouquet with a delicate balsamic-nutty undertone

PINO CEMBRO: Aroma: complex, warm, rich, green,  sweet, resinous notes, balsamic, pine like, woody notes.

ROSEMARY (Tuscany, Sardinia, Sicily) : refreshing and uplifting, known as a memory-enhancer, it helps sooth sore muscles, aches and pains. Useful in treating rheumatism and relieving a headache, it improves circulation and lymphatic drainage.

THYME: Anti-bacterial, expectorant, strengthens the immune system.

This informationis provided only for informational purposes, they do not in any way constitute medical information, or engage our responsibility. You should not use any of this information for the purpose of self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Information and statements provided are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition or disease. If you are experiencing medical issues, you should contact your medical health care provider.