I'll teach to fly
by Stefania Borrelli
She needed to spread her wings. He needed to clean his past.
Two roads…..A common journey of Self-discovery and Enlightenment.
A story of redemption and forgiveness, courage and rebirth
“…memories had a meaning – Now – ….”
“I chose to see and to remember, to live and understand that the real voyage of self-discovery
consists in having new eyes…”“…everybody is teaching you to fly, in every single moment: you just can’t “see” it …”
In “Ill teach you to fly”, Stefania Borrelli invites the reader to explore Italy as a multi-sensory journey: the scent of memories, the sound of the sea, the vision of peace, the transformative touch of the music of the heart
“Ti insegnero’ a volare” is an Italian Multi-sensory journey” :
music, images, scents, sensations, past and present melt together in a rainbow of memories and feelings.
The source of inspiration is Rome and all the ethereal moments “out of time and out of space”: movie scenes as a “flashback” or “deja-vu” , soundtracks, words, poems and various inspirational melodies which “capture” epiphany moments.
The purpose of this screenplay is to create a new didactic material for Italian learners and to provide them with an original way to approach the Italian language, enriched with idiomatic expressions and colloquialism. A colorful window on Italy and it’s people: an expression of daily life where different aspects are explored and fully lived.
“I’ll teach you to fly” is not autobiographical. Isabella shares only the author’s hometown, background and profession. The plot is invented as well as the characters appearing in this work. Any resemblance to real persons, is purely coincidental. The specific events of Isabella’s life are fictitious. Only her ideas, her convictions and her values belongs to the author.
Roma – Isabella Corsini, 30 anni , lavora come insegnante di lingua italiana. Un giorno riceve una telefonata dall’Ambasciata Americana : hanno bisogno di un’istruttrice d’italiano per il Consigliere culturale, Daniel Jason, di San Diego, California, appena arrivato a Roma. Daniel, di origine italiana, dopo aver conseguito gli studi universitari negli Stati Uniti, intraprende la carriera diplomatica, seguendo le orme del padre. Dopo Madrid e Parigi, la sua missione lo porta a Roma come Addetto culturale. L’ incontro con Isabella gli cambierà la vita, porterà in luce le ombre del suo passato e lo ricondurrà alle sue origini materne, la campagna laziale, dove vive sua madre Elena, arredatrice d’esterni, che si è risposata una ventina d’anni prima con Giorgio della Fonte, proprietario dell’ omonima Tenuta e produttore di vini . Entrambi dirigono un agriturismo e si occupano della coltivazione di rose antiche. È un viaggio “sensoriale” quello che intraprende Isabella alla ricerca del Sè: il sapore dei ricordi, il profumo del sole, il suono del mare, la visione della quiete, il gusto della vita. L’incommensurabile gioia di vivere e di amare. La volontà di capire e varcare i confini. Il dono di sè.
Isabella Corsini
Deborah Corsini
Simone Corsini
Sandra Ottaviano
Federico Anastasi
Daniel Jason
Brad Jason
Giulia della Fonte
Giorgio della Fonte
Bianca Maria Giordano
Rome – Isabella Corsini, 30 years old, works as a teacher of Italian language . One day she receives a phone call from the American Embassy: they need an instructor of Italian for one of their officers, Daniel Jason, 41 year old, from San Diego, California, just arrived in Rome. Daniel, of Italian origin, after completing his university studies in the United States, started his diplomatic career, following the footsteps of his father. The meeting with Isabella will change his life, will bring to light the shadows of his past and lead back to his maternal roots, Lazio, where his mother Giulia – gardens designer – lives and remarried a couple of decades earlier with Giorgio della Fonte, winemaker and owner of the homonymous Estate. They both manage a farmhouse and cultivate antique roses. As Isabella and Daniel realize their friendship gets stronger, she takes to courage to leave her boyfriend . And it’s only when they can see in both their lives a mirror of themselves then the real ‘cathartic and liberating flight” is accomplished. It is a multi-sensory journey, one who undertakes Isabella, as a journey of self-discovery: the flavor of memories, the scent of the sun, the sound of the sea, the vision of the peace, the ability to touch deeply and transform positively people’s life. The immeasurable joy of living and loving. The desire to understand and to cross the borders of the unknown: the gift of self.
Daniel Jason
Son of Giulia della Fonte and Alejandro Jason. Speaks perfectly Italian and Spanish. His mother was was born in Rome and moved to San Diego, California after graduated from University. His father , born in New Mexico, moved as a child to California.
. . . As she leaves, he stands for a moment in front of the door, passing his hand over his forehead, realizing he may have gone too far. He then goes to his desk, on the corner of the living room and opens a drawer. Takes some files, one of these containing papers for the speech he is supposed to give the following day and a picture, included in another file, accidentally falls down on the floor….
Isabella, 8 anni, e’ a casa dei suoi genitori, nel bagno, con la sorella di 9 anni. Fumano una sigaretta. la finestra e’ aperta.
Isabella, 8 years old, is at her parents’ home, in the bathroom, with her 9 year-old sister. They are smoking a cigarette. The window is open.
Dai, spegni la sigaretta che arriva papa’
Come on, put that cigarette out, daddy is coming
Fammi fare una tirata, tu ne hai gia’ fatte due!
Let me have a drag on, you already had two.
Il padre entra in casa, sente le bambine parlare nel bagno
Their father comes in, he can hear the girls talking in the bathroom
Che fate li’ in bagno? Aprite la porta! Vi ho gia’ detto mille volte che non dovete chiudervi a chiave!
What are you doing in the bathroom? Open the door, I already told you thousands times that you are not supposed to lock yourself inside.
Le bambine aprono la porta, escono dal bagno. Il padre da’ uno schiaffo a Isabella, l’altra corre via.
The girls open the door and leave. Their father gives Isabella a slap, her sister runs away.
EXT. Vill’Ada Park – DAY
Isabella, 30 anni,e’ sdraiata sull’erba, guarda fisso nel cielo. Ripensa alla sua infanzia, quando il padre le ha offerto di provare la prima sigaretta a 8 anni.
Isabella, 30 years old, she is layed on the grass, she stares at the sky, thinks back at her childhood, when her father offered trying her first cigarette when she was 8.
Si alza, guarda l’orologio. E’ tardi, prende la borsa, si dirige verso l’Ambasciata d’Egitto dove insegna l’italiano al Corpo Diplomatico.
She stands up, look at the watch. It’s late, takes her bag, goes towards the Embassy of Egypt, situated in the park, where she teaches Italian for the Diplomatic Corp.
PHOTO: ROME - Vill'Ada Park
Un aereo sorvola il cielo. Isabella lo segue con gli occhi e i suoi pensieri vanno a quando era bambina e andava con il padre nella campagna di Fiumicino, nei pressi dell’aeroporto, a vedere da vicino gli aerei che atterravano e decollavano.
A plane soars in the sky and Isabella follows it with her eyes. She remembers being a child in the countryside with her father in Fiumicino, near the airfields, watching the planes take off and land.
Isabella, 10 anni, e’ seduta sul prato, suo padre e’ in piedi, vicino a lei.
Isabella, 10 years old, is sitting on the grass. Her father is standing, close to her.
Ecco che ne arriva un altro, guarda, sta arrivando!
Here comes another one. Look! Here it comes
Isabella con le mani si tappa le orecchie e guarda incantata e un po’ impaurita l’aereo che sta atterrando.
Isabella covers her ears with her hands and watches, half scared, half entranced, the landing plane.
Mamma mia com’e’ grande!
It’s so big!
Isabella guarda l’aereo, guarda il padre e ride, ride di gusto, e’ felice.
Isabella watches the plane, looks up at her father and begins to laugh with happiness.
PAG. 29
Isabella apre la porta di casa
Isabella opens the door of the house
Claudio, sono arrivata!
Claudio, I amhome!
Nessuno risponde, Isabella gira per la casa e non trova Claudio, ma e’ contenta. In quel momento squilla il telefono.
Nobody answers, Isabella looks around the house and realizes Claudio is not there, but she is happy. In that moment the telephone rings.ISABELLA (on the phone)
Ciao, Isa. Senti, volevo dirti che stamattina Ulrike mi aveva chiamato dicendo che aveva deciso di anticipare la sua vacanza a Roma, cosi’ arriva stasera…
Hi Isa, good ….you are there. Listen, I wanted to tell that Ulrike calledthis morning to tell me she’s decided to come earlier. She’s arriving tonight.
Dove sei?
Where are you?
Sono qui all’aeroporto ad aspettarla. Sono venuto a prenderla perche’ Flavio non poteva. Mi ha detto che non c’e’ problema, la porto a casa sua e rimarra’ da lui due settimane…tu non mi aspettare, mangia pure, faro’ tardi stasera..
I’m here at the airport waiting for her. I came to pick her up, Flavio is busy at work, but he said there is no problem, she can stay at his house for two weeks. I’ll drive her to Flavio’s house, don’t wait for me, you eat, I’ll be late tonight.
Isabella si siede, pensa a Daniel, a quando si sono conosciuti, al suo sguardo, al suo sorriso.
Isabella sits down, thinking of Daniel, their first meeting. She recalls his smile, the way he looked at her.
Isabella, mi senti? Pronto!
Isabella, can you hear me? Hello!
Si , ti sento, si, non ti preoccupare, torna quando vuoi, io ho gia’ mangiato, vado a dormire ora.
Yes, I can hear you… sure, no problem, come back home whenever you like. I’ve already eaten. I’m going to sleep now.
Va bene, a dopo allora, ciao!
O.k., see you later, ciao!
Isabella aggancia la cornetta, senza salutarlo. Va in cucina e si prepara qualcosa da mangiare, nel frattempo mette su della musica soft, si spoglia, va in bagno e si fa una doccia. Chiude gli occhi mentre l’acqua scorre sul suo viso gia’ bagnato di lacrime.
Isabella hangs up. Goes to the kitchen and prepares something to eat. In the meantime she puts on some soft music, she takes off her clothes, goes to the bathroom and takes a shower. She leans against the wall, closes her eyes, with the water running down her face, already wet with tears.
PAG. 34
Il cielo e’ pieno di stelle. Un profumo di gelsomino pervade la terrazza. Daniel invita Isabella ad esplorare il suo piccolo paradiso. Al centro un tavolo rotondo in ceramica con due sedie e vasi di terracotta con gerani color fucsia e rosa chiaro che fanno da cornice.
The sky is filled with stars. A scent of jasmine pervades the roof garden. Daniel invites Isabella to explore his little “heaven”. A round ceramic tiled table with two chairs and terracotta vases with light pink and fuchsia geraniums create the ambience.
Ti piace? Questo e’ il mio rifugio. Vengo qui per fare colazione o per cenare…quando posso mi siedo a leggere.
Do you like it? This is my retreat. I come here to have my breakfast or dinner… whenever I can or I sit here to read.
Isabellae’ incantata da questa atmosfera. Si avvicina alla pianta di gelsomino e respira profondamente.
Isabella is enchanted by this lovely space. She takes a deep breath from the Jasmine plant.
Oh! Che bello! Oh, mio Dio! Adoro il gelsomino! !Questo e’ un vero paradiso! Ti occupi tu di tutte queste piante?
Oh! It’s so beautiful! Oh my God, I love Jasmine so much!. This is a real heaven. Do you take care of all these plants yourself?
La mia ex-collega, quella che abitava qui prima di me, ha comprato queste piante, allora sono fortunato. Sono abbastanza resistenti. Non devo fare piu’ di tanto. Le annaffio quando fa veramente caldo.
My ex-colleague, the one who lived here before me, bought these plants, so I’m lucky. They are quite resistant. I don’t need to do much. I just water them when it’s really hot.
Isabella e Daniel si avvicinano al parapetto, ammirando il panorama, lasciandosi accarezzare dal fresco venticello dell’inizio dell’estate. Per un momento si guardano senza dire una parola, entrambi sentendo un crescente bisogno di intimita’, ma poi distolgono immediatamente lo sguardo.
Isabella and Daniel move closer to the edge taking in the view and enjoying the fresh early summer breeze.
For a moment they look at each other without saying a word, each realizing a growing need for intimacy, but they immediately avert each their eyes.
Isabella: ” Can’t you see the music?” – Non la vedi la musica?
Daniel:” Which music?” – Quale musica?
Isabella: “Can’t you feel it?” Non la senti?
Daniel: “What music are you talking about”? Di che musica stai parlando?
Isabella: ” Just open your heart : you will feel and see the music all around you” – Apri il cuore, sentirai e vedrai la musica attorno a te